Please contact your insurance company prior to your visit should you need to clarify additional insurance benefits. We cannot accept responsibility for negotiating a disputed claim and allow a maximum of 45-days fro your insurance company to clear account balances. We will assist you in dealing with the insurance company but ultimately the responsibility lies with you. If after 45 days, the insurance company hasn't paid the balance, payment will be due, in full, by you.
Insurance Facts:
Fact 1 - No Insurance Pays 100% of all Procedures. Dental insurance is meant to be an aid in receiving dental care. Many of us think that insurance pays 90%-100% of all dental fees. This is not true! Most plans only pay between 50%-80% of the average total fee. The percentage paid is determined by how much you or your employer has paid for coverage or the type of contract your employer has set up with the insurance company.
Fact 2 - Benefits are not Determined by our Office. Your dental benefits are based on the policy purchased by you or your employer. Insurance companies set their own schedules and each company uses a different set of fees they consider allowable. These allowable fees vary widely because each company collects fee information from claims it processes.
Fact 3 - Deductibles and Co-Payments Must be Considered. When estimating dental benefits, deductibles, percentages and co-payments must be taken in to account. All these add to the total cost of dental treatment fees that must be paid by the patient.
Most Importantly, please keep us informed of any insurance changes such as policy name, insurance company address, or a change of employment.