Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is a colorless and virtually odorless has with a faint, sweet smell. It is an effective analgesic/anxiolytic agent causing central nervous system depression and euphoria with little effective on the respiratory system. At Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry, Goodyear, Avondale, Surprise, our board certified dentists have the training and expertise in providing anxiety and pain control management. Although anxiety and pain can be modified by psychological techniques, in many children pharmacological approaches are more effective. While using Nitrous (N2O), children are fully awake, alert and respond normally to verbal commands. As a general rule in children, analgesia/anxiolysis may expedite the delivery of procedures that are not particularly uncomfortable, however require children to minimize or completely eliminate movement. It is imperative to notice that the outcome of pharmacological approaches is variable and depends upon each child's response to various drugs.
Nitrous Oxide (N2O), is absorbed rapidly, allowing for both rapid onset and recovery in children, usually two to three minutes. Generally, Nitrous Oxide is acceptable to children and be titrated easily. Most children are enthusiastic about the administration of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen; many children report dreaming or being on a "space-ride. Nitrous is indicated in the following cases:
- A fearful, anxious, or obstreperous child.
- Certain patients with special health care needs.
- A child whose gag reflex interferes with dental care.
- Children for whom profound local anesthesia cannot be obtained.
- A cooperative child undergoing a lengthy dental procedure.
Nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia/anxiolysis has an excellent safety records. Being administered by trained personnel at Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry practices along with top of the art equipment and technique, Nitrous Oxide is a safe and effective agent for providing pharmacological guidance of behavior in children.